
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Playing with My Blog

I've been goofing off with this last night and all morning... it could have something to do with the cleaning that I'm desperately trying to avoid, but nothing to do with my competitive nature. (TLC, these blogs don't count... or maybe this and prior 2 could count as 1.) Or, it could have EVERYTHING to do with the fact that the girls have been at Deat's parents' house since Thursday night and this place is WAAAAAAY too quiet.

Anyway, I've finally figured out how to put THE RULES in a prominent place, and have the player available on every page.

I also chose a new random question to answer in my profile last night.

The new question was: You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?

And I answered: Um, gee. Maybe if I'd TAMED him instead of slaying him I'd have options here...

Then I got to thinking: What if people think I'm calling Deat "The Dragon"?

So, for the record, Deat was not a dragon and I didn't slay him; though, there were a few random times in our marriage that he was and I wanted to. I have the autopsy report to attest to my innocence. (If you are offended by dark, recovering-widow humor, my apologies)

Just in case, I'm going to go seek a new random question now...


  1. Love you, Girl! BTW, if you haven't checked I was a blogging demon in December (I think 7 blogs - a lot for me). Don't know what got into me especially since I was so busy editing my manuscript and doing all those holiday cards (read my blog Wishing You Happiness if you want to know how many) not to mention spending way too much time on Facebook. It was one busy month. Anyway, I miss you and I LOVE your humor. Always have, always will (well, that might be an exaggeration but you know what I mean).

  2. I know what you mean by "way to quiet." I went from a house full of 10 people, for more than a week, to just me for about a week. The quiet if fine for a while, but after the house is cleaned and the are dishes are done, the quiet gets old.
