
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What? A new post?

Short but sweet

Warning to Ms. D. (my therapist, also becoming my newest reader):

1. All (well, most) the names in this thing have been changed to protect the innocent and the not-so-innocent

2. It will make more sense if you start from the other end and go chronologically

3. Um, I know I spend too much time on the computer but if I start blogging again (now that I've seen all the SVU's) that almost counts as something productive, right?

For my other readers:

Okay, so I've made some efforts toward getting better, but I'm still not medicated. I got a referral from my regular doctor for an appt. w/ a psychiatrist, but it turned out to be a doctor that I have a major conflict with from her treatment of my brother-in-law, (can you say "I lay the blame for Deat's brother's death squarely at her feet?) so I didn't stay for the appointment. Ms. D also gave me referral to another guy, but the appointment isn't until November 20.

BUT, I have done some other things. I joined Curves and man, endorphins are SUCH a RUSH! I feel so much better! I also restarted counseling with Ms. D. I still have a way to go, but I'm feeling much better.

Because of the family-history, my sister still says I need to get started on meds, but I'm not completely convinced. Perhaps it's my mechanical inclinations, but finding the right medication appears to be a trial and error process, and that whole idea gives me the willies. I like A+B to equal C, every single time, not A+B might equal D, or it could be E, or if neither of those work we'll try F... It's particularly unnerving to me when we're talking about putting something in my body with the specific task of influencing my cognitive processes!

So maybe we'll try meds, maybe we won't. More to come...