
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Note to Self

Stop bragging about Delmer's blog

I just checked and he's blogged, not once, not twice, but FOUR times since my last entry. I wish I could say my posts "inspire" him to blog more, for fear of the magnitude of increased traffic my 7 followers will bring to his site. (Uh, one of those being THE Delmer himself.)

But he just checks my site for the music...


Friday, March 11, 2011

Snippet (or She Ain't Dead but the Way it's Looking...)

So, I've been a lousy blogger of late. I swear I really have tried to think of something interesting and thematic to say...

But tonight I was just over on What's A Delmer Look Like. For those of you who don't know, Delmer is my blogging hero. I want to be just like Del when I grow up... (Though I doubt I'll ever grow that far, I think he's like 6'4".)

Anyway, Delmer never fails to amuse me... and he doesn't necessarily write big, long. meaning-stuffed, thematic blogs... he sometimes shares snippets, tiny slices of his life and the things he encounters.

So, in the interest of emulating my hero, here is your snippet for today:

The World's Most Surreal Window Sticker

It was on a van in front of me in the elementary school drop-off line this morning.

In an arch over a heart it read:

In Loving Memory of

Below the heart it had a name... since I don't think I should tell the name let's say it was:

Fred Jones

(My apologies to all the Fred Joneses out there).

THEN, below the name in very small letters it read:

He's not dead, but the way it's looking it won't be long.
