
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Post Number Ninety-nine

Hello? Anybody here? Oh, let me dust the cobwebs off that chair,  this place sat empty for a while... have you noticed that usually happens when I plan to write more?

What happened? Well, it was time to do the annual tree trimming post... but nothing funny happened. We just put it up... I couldn't even come up with a mildly amusing spin for it.

Then, I just didn't know what to write about. The most interesting moments usually happened with clients, and I can't write about them for confidentiality reasons. I can't be too careful...not to mention school and my job and blah, blah blah.

But tonight I have something to write about. Tonight I finished a take home-test that was my last assignment for the last class I needed for my master's degree. I've worked on the test all day, but couldn't seem to get that last two-page essay question done. I got on Facebook complaining.

And here came a flood of support, friends from all different parts of my life cheering me on. I got the essay finished and posted that I was done, and here came even more support. Fifty-something "Likes" and congratulatory comments total between the two posts... I am so grateful for every single one of those. I can't say how much it meant, especially in light of..

The REST of the story...

No one knew it, but today marked 4 years since Deat's death. I am so much better than at times I ever imagined I'd be, but having that in the back of my mind was still hard. Having all those people offering me well wishes, it really highlighted so much for me, how far I've come, how blessed I've been. How absolutely blessed I AM.

In some weird way, through the cheers of my friends, I could hear Deat cheering, too, "You did it, Buddy, you did it."