
Friday, March 11, 2011

Snippet (or She Ain't Dead but the Way it's Looking...)

So, I've been a lousy blogger of late. I swear I really have tried to think of something interesting and thematic to say...

But tonight I was just over on What's A Delmer Look Like. For those of you who don't know, Delmer is my blogging hero. I want to be just like Del when I grow up... (Though I doubt I'll ever grow that far, I think he's like 6'4".)

Anyway, Delmer never fails to amuse me... and he doesn't necessarily write big, long. meaning-stuffed, thematic blogs... he sometimes shares snippets, tiny slices of his life and the things he encounters.

So, in the interest of emulating my hero, here is your snippet for today:

The World's Most Surreal Window Sticker

It was on a van in front of me in the elementary school drop-off line this morning.

In an arch over a heart it read:

In Loving Memory of

Below the heart it had a name... since I don't think I should tell the name let's say it was:

Fred Jones

(My apologies to all the Fred Joneses out there).

THEN, below the name in very small letters it read:

He's not dead, but the way it's looking it won't be long.



  1. You are my DJ hero.

    I am cleaning my office, needed some music, and remembered you like to listen to all the good stuff too. :)

  2. OMG, I got an email that you commented, so I opened my blog and, no kidding, Jukebox Hero was playing! Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo doo...

    Thanks and glad I can be of service!
