
Monday, April 18, 2011

Stats and Labels

I am often been surprised when someone mentions to me that they read something in my blog. I was shocked to learn my big brother, the most awesome Pat, had been here. (Yes, it's hero-worship, and yes, he knows. Really, I have the most awesome siblings in the world.)

I recently discovered a setting in the "editing" part of my blog called "Stats."


1. While my numbers aren't huge, way more people read this than I imagined, or than ever let on. (Have I mentioned I LOVE comments on my posts? Just sayin',)

2. I'm going to admit, I've become obsessed with checking the numbers on the days after I post... I had 108 pageviews in April... whoa.

3. The most popular all-time posts are generally ones that have been stumbled upon by some unwitting Googler, the ones with common "keywords," particularly those related to Christmas in the titles... "Humbug" "Spirit of Christmas" "Reindeer Poop?" WHAT? Who Googles animal excrement?

4. The other most popular ones are the ones featuring videos.

5. Apparently, there's something in a few of my posts that are keywords in foreign countries... I've had 241 views from South Korea, and double digit views from Netherands, Taiwan, Russia, Germany, Japan, Brazil and Pakistan. Gee, my popularity is international! And YOU can say you knew me when....

I must say, learning that real people do read me has motivated me to post more, even with drivel such as this...

Anyway, in the interest of readability, since I apparently DO have an audience, I added labels to my blog... so any reader might easily find ramblings of interest more readily. If you think of a label I should add, please let me know.

These statistics are fun, but REAL feedback? Whoo hoo, that's the bomb-diggity!

I will warn you, the "Amusement" label means that I find a particular post amusing, but you may not.

This post being case in point.


  1. A while back I noticed a serious spike in the number of my readers. When I looked closer at the stats I found I'd tossed together a couple of words Charlie Sheen had just made famous.

  2. You're so funny. Of course, people read your blog, you're interesting... :-)
    BTW, love the labels. I use the idea, too. Makes searching so much easier.
