
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Cussing and Conversating* with Cap

Okay, one of the things I've debated in writing my blog is the cuss-factor. I went for years without saying a cuss word. I grew up around cussing, so in a way it's part of how I learned to communicate. (You like how I rationalized that, don't you?)

Facebook put me back in touch with many old friends... friends who knew me when I cussed like a sailor... and I found cussing creeping back into my vocabulary. I rarely cuss in my blog, (I won't say never, because as soon as I do someone will point out at least 3 examples, and I can think of some). I try to keep it pretty clean in the blog because most of the traffic here comes from Facebook and I have my theatre babies, nieces, nephews and cousins in my friend lists. On a rare occasion, a story or exchange is just funnier with a cuss-word in it. It just is. 

I say all that to say this: the upcoming link includes cussing. I would say all kinds of nice things about making blog friends, but Cap said it for me. And maybe since I'm directing you to it, I'll learn not to be so horrified that she posted it.... 

* "Conversating" is a word from Cap's blog. 


  1. Yeah, I know I was guilty of getting you to say a few words you didn't want to say during a few conversations. :-)
